Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jones Beach 2

More sketching from my "beach box". It won't be long before I'm adding to my photo collection. I love the ocean...especially off-season.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Jones Beach

Did this just a couple of days ago: pastel on sanded paper approx. 19"x14". I think my work has a whole new "feel" to it since the "threshing" incident, don't you? I know it's put a whole new slant on my perspective of the world. I owe my recovery to all of you! Thank you thank you thank you!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

sketchbook 09 II

Obviously, subject matter is very random. Mostly done from photos, at night, in bed, with the TV on, with a candlestick, in the conservatory.

sketchbook 09 I

I've had a serious "block" for over a year...but this past Christmas I received a sketchbook and made a promise to fill it by sketching every day. Slowly, the desire is returning. Even my writing is a bit flat, so maybe that'll pick up too. Enjoy and thanks for looking.